Kenosha Theatre Restoration Project

Kenosha Theatre Offices
     5919 Sixth Avenue
     Kenosha, WI 53140
     ph (262) 658-2355




Take Interstate 94 into Kenosha County and Exit on Highway 158. Head east on Highway 158 until it ends at Lake Michigan. Turn South on 6th Avenue and go 6 blocks to the intersection of 6th Avenue and 59th Street. Jog around the island at this intersection. Be careful not to angle off on to "6th Avenue A" but head due South on  6th Avenue. The Kenosha Theatre is the second building on the left once you come through this intersection. If you look up and see a highly ornamented facade and two bell towers, you know you're at "The Spanish Castle" which is the Kenosha Theatre.

General Information:

For further information, please contact us at:

the Kenosha Theatre